Thursday 16 August 2007

Music i've recently started listening to.

Don't know too much about these bands, either been recommended them or know they are similar to bands i like.

Yo La Tengo
Wolf Parade
Death Cab for Cutie
Final Fantasy
Flaming Lips
Sigur Ros

Can anyone recommend songs? I find it easy to get into bands, but find it hard finding a place to start.

1 comment:

Jim said...

There's a best of bis thingy came out recently, which is probably as good a starting place as any. Oddly enough, there's more than two songs on it *b-dum tsch*
Similarly, grab the Yo La Tengo "Prisoners Of Love" double CD and go from there. Fopp used to have it for a fiver, pre-bankrupcy.
The Soft Bulletin is my Flaming Lips album of choice, and I'd reccomend Ágætis Byrjun for Sigur Ros, cause it's got Starálfur on it and that song is brilliant.

Hard to go wrong with any Delgados album really, probably Domestiques or Peloton, their first two albums, are the best to go for though.