Monday 17 September 2007

The Legend that is Danny Wallace.

6 months ago, if you were to ask me my favourite comedy book, i would have replied almost instantaneously with "Are you Dave Gorman?" by Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace. Now if that isn't enough for Mr Wallace i don't know what is, but no, he has gone and topped it.

I am currently re-reading his latest novel, Yes Man, which basically is a 6 month memoir of Danny himself replying to every invitation, offer, favour, advertisement, request, whatever, with the answer YES. If you have ever read anything by Danny Wallace or Dave Gorman, or if you've caught any of the shows created by either of the two, you know what kind of humour it is. Charming, childish and very sarcastic. This novel is as good as "Are you Dave Gorman?". It is hard to say which is my favourite, so i will say they are both equally my favourite. Good.

I started out as a Dave Gorman fan, through his original TV series "The Dave Gorman Collection" which was a spin-off of the book he had written along with Danny Wallace. I recommend anyone to buy this book. It documents Dave's attempt to win Danny's bet that he could not find loads (52) Dave Gormans. Next was his 2nd series, 'Dave Gorman's Important Astrology Experiment', which basically comically picked out the flaws of Astrology through a 6 week experiment.

His last book/show was 'Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure', which again, based on real life, tells the story of how Dave tries to find Googlewhacks. What is a Googlewhack i hear you ask... read this:

Dave Gorman has not done anything major since, but is currently working on a new book and a More4 tv series. He also features on TV Panelshows and also on some comedy shows and hosts his own radio series, 'Genius'.

Danny Wallace has, since his early days with Dave Gorman, written a book called 'Join Me', where he created his own cult/collective, and also created his own tv show called 'How to start your own country', which is similar to the other 2 tv shows he was involved in creating along with Dave Gorman. He also works on TV presenting and producing many tv shows.

Seriously though, read the books, and watch the tv shows if you can.

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