Wednesday 5 September 2007


It's sore. Really sore. And when its cold outside when you finish you get a wheezy kind of cough. Well in Lewis you do anyway.

Yeah, i went for a run. To try and compensate for years of sitting down. It didn't work, i think i have to do years of running to compensate for years of sitting down. Thats probably how it works.

Anyway, i'm going to Glasgow this weekend to watch Scotland v Lithuania, and to chillax (yes i can say that word, because it's my blog).

Then i'm back home for 2 weeks, and then moving back down to Glasgow for 4th year in Uni.

And then i've got to plan a way to finance all the gigs and champions league games i am going to go to, and also find a way to get my dissertation written before February.

Anyway, here is a nice wee video. Feist. On the Letterman show. I hate David Letterman. He really annoys me.

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